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Custom Art for a home owner featured on NBC's new hit show, Fix it & Finishit, with Antonio Sabato, Jr.





Honored to be ask to design the Hill Country Music Awards. Shown with first receipent, Jerry Lee Lewis (the Killer), pioneer of Rock & Roll on Sept 20, 2014.





August 2014 DeSoto Magazine Artcile on The Willcoxon Collection






Custom piece of art for the Oxford, MS. C-spire Store. The Piece features raw steel on recliamed wood, and backlit with LED lights. See below, day time and night time view.

Summer of 2014.



An interview with Lucy Biggers on "Good Morning Mississippi" aired on May 1, 2014 on WABG.

Lucy was great. I met her in Clarksdale at the "Juke Joint Festival" and she ask me to come on the show. Was very thankful for the opportunity.


A 7 minute video where Gov. Phil Bryant, of Mississippi talks about the creative economy before the Mississippi Economic Council in April 2014. He ended his speech by holding up a piece of my art that I had given him. (My work is in the last 1.5 minutes of the video)




Discussing my work with Gov. Phil Bryant in his office



Presenting the Governor with a piece of MS art.  (From LeftJohn Willcoxon (Artist), Julia Willcoxon (John's Daughter), Gina Griffin (the love of John's life) & Gov. Phil Bryant, (Mississippi))

